Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Bend in the Road

I have been procrastinating about blogging for a while now. Today I've decided it is time to take on a difficult subject.

These are my memories of events in my life. These memories are filtered through all the experiences that have made me who I am today. Others will have a different perspective of these memories. This is ok because their memories are theirs and not mine.

After twenty seven years of marriage, I decided to get a divorce. Someone told me they just couldn't believe it because I was always happy and smling - "The happiest girl in the world." Other folks only see as much a we are willing to show them.

I didn't get married to "give it a try." My intention was to be the best wife and mother I could be for as long as I lived. I truly struggled with God's word about divorce.

All my "warm fuzzy" feelings came from my children. I was a good mother. I was the best wife I knew how to be.

A marriage grows and changes through the years. Romantic love turns into a deeper love as the years pass. A husband and wife share interests and grow closer. When this doesn't happen, one spouse may feel like he/she is a shell of a person. I felt like no one lived inside my body.

I do not believe in divorce but I know sometimes it is necessary for a person to continue living.

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