Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Being Single.....again

I didn't expect to be single at age 48. It was not in my plans. It was a shock. What 48-year-old knows anything about being single and/or dating - and the changes in dating?

I grew up on the romantic movies of the 50s and 60s. You know, boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl and they live happily ever after. Happily ever after didn't happen for me.

Different churches had programs for singles. My church tried it. The leaders were a happily married couple (both had been divorced). It sounds like it should work but it didn't because grieving single folks don't necessarily want to be in a group where the leaders are happily married. So that group failed in a very short time.

I attended another group for a couple years at the Christian Church. The leaders were single. It was a good group probably because it wasn't a large group.

The group I attended the longest was Lutheran Single Again. It was non-denominational and held at the Luthern Church. It was an excellent group. We read books and discussed them. The very best book was "Growing Through Divorce" by Jim Smoke. This group had weekend retreats with motivational speakers. The leader by a psychologist.

I made friends there. We would get together to play board games like Tabu, Outburst, Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary. Sometimes several of us would go to movies. It was good to have friends with whom to share time.

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