Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's Important to Learn the Lesson the First Time!

Who would ever know there were so many lessons to learn when one becomes 'single again?' So much to learn that it sometimes seems overwhelming.

I learned how important it was to stay busy - and especially on special days. The photo was taken on my 50th birthday. It had been a wonderful day with balloons, flowers, phone calls and cards. All this happened at work. I figured it had been such a special day and I was tired, so I would go home and spend the evening alone. I did and it was a mistake! I didn't believe anything could spoil the day since I woke up singing "happy birthday" to myself!

The first months I lived on adrenilin and nerves, knowing that eventually I would crash. I slept from about midnight to 5 a.m. People knew they could call me late because I would be up. I learned to eat when I was hungry because I didn't have much appetite. One person saw me eating a donut and asked me how I could eat that. I told her I might not be hungry the rest of the day. Of course, the crash came and I needed to take care of myself - rest and eat right.

Dating was a challenge. I dated one man for about a year - fell head over heels for him. When he broke it off, I was crushed and shed lots of tears. Some months later he wanted to be part of my life again. I thought about it - and was tempted. There was a lesson to learn - and I didn't want to have a "do over." So I said, "thanks, but no thanks."

Lots and lots of lessons to learn.

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