Friday, December 10, 2010


I have been so blessed in my life with many people who love me. My Mother who taught me to be a positive and joyful person. My Father who loved the Lord and set an example by his service as a Sunday School teacher. My brother Bill who gave me choices. He was a good man and I pray I'll see him when it's my turn to go home.
My sister-in-law, Inez who showed me how to treat my young sisters-in-law by the way she treated me. My friend Jannette who talked to me on the phone and shared scripture with me during those difficult days in the early '80s. My friend Marlene who helped me at a time when I really couldn't handle what someone else had done.
My friend Helen who has shared the pathway - following a few years behind me. She gives me the freedom to speak about anything and never to judge. Helen's mom, Nola, who has simply loved us and enjoyed our company.
Rosalie and Raymond who loved Don and me and enjoyed our company without any expectations of who or what we are.
My friend, sweet Angie, who listened to me when I was 59 falling in love with Don. She didn't even laugh that a 59 year old could feel like a giddy school girl. And then there is sweet Lu who behaved the same way I did in the '80s - only it was a decade later. I was able to see myself in her actions.
Our pastor Mike Coffey who had the gift of preaching - he and Rose Mary who gave us the gift of their friendship. Pastor Karen who is so real and genuine. Tom Stewart, Jan Adkins, Kay Minneck and the Clown Connection - they all came into my life when I needed them most.
How very blessed I am! How very grateful I am to each one who loved and accepted me exactly where I was in my life.

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