Thursday, January 1, 2009

Making Memories 2008

If there has been any sequence to these posts,this one doesn't follow where it should be. However, I still want to share it now.

We celebrated Christmas at our home with my children, grandchildren, spouses, and great-grandkids. It was a pleasant time with everyone enjoying the fellowship, food, and the fun of watching 4-year-old Lynsie open her many gifts. We all enjoyed 4-and-a-half-month-old Teygan, too, getting our "hold the baby" fix. We also had fun taking in all the work Don did with his Clouston-Kincaide Christmas Village with the houses, the skiing and sledding hill, the farm and all the people in the village.

Christmas is a family time filled with love and laughter. It is a time for making memories and taking pictures. There were three digital cameras recording the events of the day.

And, yes, my Santa Claus was hanging on the tree as you will see from the photo. He hangs on the tree courtesy of the hanger Don rigged up. When we looked at the photo Don said it looked like Scotch tape around Santa's middle. We took him off the tree to look - and it was Scotch tape used to hold the hanger on Santa!

When we are around little ones like Lynsie and Teygan, we know God hasn't given up on the human family. It gives us even more reason to remember God loved us all so much that He sent His Son to take on the sins of the world, to die and to rise again so we can share eternity with him.

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